2020 PBE Study Material


You can download an Excel study book filled with questions for any of these chapters.

These questions will be made available as soon as permission from ThomasNelson is granted. 

For help on how best to use these study books, check out these Youtube tutorial videos.

Some of these files may be quite large, and could be compressed into .zip files. In that case, you'll need to unzip them before using them.

Another great resource is the Ready Answers Bible Memorization Curriculum. Be sure to check it out.

Ezra Study Books

Files coming soon.

Nehemiah Study Books

Files coming soon.

Hosea Study Books

Files coming soon.

Amos Study Books

Files coming soon.

Jonah Study Books

Files coming soon.

Micah Study Books

Files coming soon.

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Video Tutorial

Check out these Youtube tutorial videos for handy tips on using these study materials!